(orig. by Bill Berry, Peter Buck, Mike Mills, & Michael Stipe, adapted by Will Quale)


Stand in the place where you live
Turn around
Think about the village, wonder
Who lives behind every door

Stand in the place where you sing
Face your friends
Think about the place you live and
Harmonize like never before

    If you are confused,
    Show up at two
    Your friends will be here
    You'll find yourself soon

	Your feet are going to
	Be on the ground
	Your voice is there to
	Carry your sound, so

Stand in the place where you live
Turn around
Think about the village, wonder
Who lives behind every door

Stand in the place where you sing
Face your friends
Think about the place you live and
Harmonize like never before

	Your feet are going to
	Be on the ground
	Your voice is there to
	Carry your sound, so

	Together we'll send our songs
	Up in the air
	Welcoming and welcomed on the
	Common we share

Stand in the place where you live
Turn around
Think about the village, wonder
Who lives behind every door

Stand in the place where you sing
Face your friends
Think about the place you live and
Harmonize like never before

	Together we'll send our songs
	Up in the air
	Welcoming and welcomed on the
	Common we share

	Your feet are going to
	Be on the ground
	Your voice is there to
	Carry your sound, so

Stand in the place where you live
Turn around
Think about the village, wonder
Who lives behind every door

Stand in the place where you sing
Face your friends
Think about the place you live and
Harmonize like never before

[key change]
  Stand in the place where you live
  Turn around
  Think about the village, wonder
  Who lives behind every door

  Stand in the place where you sing
  Face your friends
  Think about the place you live and
  Harmonize like never before

[key change]
    Stand in the place where you are
    Turn around
    Stand in the place where you are
    Face your friends
    Stand in the place where you are
    //Your feet are going to
    //Be on the ground
    Stand in the place where you are
    //Your voice is there to
    //Carry your sound, so


REM (1988)

Stand in the place where you live
Now face north
Think about direction, wonder 
Why you haven't before/(Now)

Stand in the place where you work
Now face west
Think about the place where you live, 
Wonder why you haven't before

    If you are confused, 
    Check with the sun
    Carry a compass 
    To help you along

	Your feet are going to 
	Be on the ground
	Your head is there to 
	Move you around, so

Stand in the place where you live
Now face north
Think about direction, wonder 
Why you haven't before/(Now)

Stand in the place where you work
Now face west, 
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before

	Your feet are going to 
	Be on the ground
	Your head is there to 
	Move you around

	If wishes were trees the 
	Trees would be falling
	Listen to reason, 
	Season is calling

Stand in the place where you live
Now face north
Think about direction, wonder 
Why you haven't before/(Now)

Stand in the place where you work
Now face west
Think about the place where you live, 
Wonder why you haven't before

	If wishes were trees the 
	Trees would be falling
	Listen to reason, 
	Reason is calling

	Your feet are going to 
	Be on the ground
	Your head is there to 
	Move you around, so

Stand in the place where you live
Now face north
Think about direction, wonder 
Why you haven't before/(Now)

Stand in the place where you work
Now face west
Think about the place where you live, 
Wonder why you haven't before

[key change]
  Stand in the place where you live
  Now face north
  Think about direction, wonder 
  Why you haven't before/(Now)

  Stand in the place where you work
  Now face west
  Think about the place where you live, 
  Wonder why you haven't before

[key change]
    Stand in the place where you are
    Now face north
    Stand in the place where you are
    Now face west
    Stand in the place where you are
    //Your feet are going to
    //Be on the ground
    Stand in the place where you are
    //Your head is there to
    //Move you around, so


recording: REM [YouTube]