(with apologies to Sam Outlaw and deep gratitude to Cassidy Hutchinson)

I'm lower than I've ever been before
There's no one I can turn to anymore
I've even lost faith in Mike Pence
He's failed me too many times
And now there's just one person
I can trust to win this fight

	I -- Donald! -- take the wheel
	To steer us to the Dome
	To where we'll Stop the Steal
	'cause I don't want to go home!
	I'm the fucking President, so
	Take me up to the Capitol now!
	They're counting on me -- Donald!
	To take the wheel

Well, I've never had friends like these before
They're proud, they keep their oaths, they give me support
I don't fucking care that they have weapons
They're not here to hurt me
My people are marching to the Capitol
And that's where I've got to be

	So I -- Donald! -- take the wheel
	To steer us to the Dome
	To where we'll Stop the Steal
	'cause I don't want to go home!
	I'm the fucking President, so
	Take me up to the Capitol now!
	They're counting on me -- Donald!
	To take the wheel

    Secret Service, don't steer me to the West Wing
    I don't need you now to steer me safely home

	They're gonna fight like hell
	And they're gonna Stop the Steal
	They're counting on me -- Donald!
	To take the wheel

recording: Sam Outlaw, Jesus Take The Wheel (And Drive Me To A Bar) [YouTube]

source: Cassidy Hutchinson testifies Trump said "I'm the fucking President, so take me up to the Capitol now" [YouTube]

source: Cassidy Hutchinson testifies Trump said "I don't fucking care that they have weapons" [YouTube]